Orange Tee 2024

This year, we’re partnering with our local Residential School Thrivers in BC - Sts’elemeqw Guardians for Generations’ Residential School Thrivers Society in our orange t-shirts sale. It is a group of Elders who all attended St. Mary’s residential school. Portions of the proceeds towards this Society is to use to create videos of residential school survivors on their testimonies since many of these survivors are so emotionally and psychologically damaged that they will not come forward to tell-All. These videos will be compiled as school material to be presented to school boards as part of Indigenous Teaching materials.


The orange t-shirt design is from our local indigenous artist, and you can have your logo to co-partner on the Right Sleeve for the above said efforts. Each T-shirt is selling at $22 (optional $2.50 each if you need your logo be screen printed as well) so that parts of the proceeds can go to this society. 


Thrivers Society

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